Fingerprint ‘mismatch’ twist to Saif Ali Khan case, Mumbai police send more samples for testing
The Mid-day newspaper stated on Sunday that investigators collected 19 fingerprint samples from the crime scene which did not correspond to the fingerprints of the man taken into custody.
Fingerprint ‘mismatch’ twist to Saif Ali Khan case, Mumbai police send more samples for testing

A newspaper revealed that the fingerprints found at Saif Ali Khan’s apartment do not match the prints of the detained Bangladeshi suspect.
Online users pointed out the obvious facial differences between Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad who was arrested and the person shown in CCTV images from Saif’s apartment complex.
Shariful’s father from Bangladesh has reportedly stated that the man shown in the CCTV footage which spread after Saif Ali Khan attack January 16 stabbing does not look like his son.
The newspaper Mid-day reported Sunday that investigators collected 19 fingerprint samples from the crime scene which did not match any fingerprints of the arrested suspect.
The Mumbai police dispatched the fingerprints to the fingerprint bureau of the state criminal investigation department on Friday. According to system-generated results the fingerprints proved not to be Shariful's.
A Mumbai police officer stated that preliminary report results indicated a fingerprint match.
The fingerprint lab continues to analyze the samples as we wait for the conclusive fingerprint report. The officer who requested anonymity confirmed to The Telegraph that preliminary findings showed a fingerprint match with the arrested suspect.
The police gathered fingerprints from multiple items at the crime scene such as the bathroom window, pipes and a ladder which the burglar supposedly used to break into the actor’s flat.
According to the police complaint filed by Eliyamma Philip who works as a nanny for Saif’s youngest son Jeh, the intruder entered Saif’s 12th-floor apartment sometime between 2am and 2.30am on January 16.
Philip informed police that she noticed the intruder first because a noise woke her up. The man who entered the flat tried to take Jeh and Philip hostage while asking for ₹1 crore before he attacked the nanny. Multiple stabs to his body were inflicted upon Saif when he confronted the intruder.
Emergency responders took Saif to Lilavati Hospital by auto-rickshaw. After five hours of surgery doctors extracted a 2.5-inch blade fragment from his back. The patient left the hospital facility last week.